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Making Plans

16 Jun

For those who work in a bank, or make it investment bank, work life balance will be just a dream… hehehe. Here I am, 3 hrs past my knock-off time and still writing emails, callings people in all around the globe and while eating a vegetable crackers my colleague gave me earlier. … How interesting… But, I love my job no matter what!!

So, maybe now it’s the time to make a life plan, since I don’t think I have time to do it tomorrow onwards…

Short Term: Finish all outstanding work issue before next Wednesday… Ha!

Long Term:

1. Get Married –> Being planned and let me just don’t talk about it now… It makes me stress… 🙂

2. Buy House –> Ok, maybe not so soon as we still need to save more money to be able to pay the down payment of a decent house. The rental price in Singapore is just insane and to leave with my sister will be to hard for my baby as he needs to travel quite a distance from our place… Hm… I guess I can forget shopping … 😦 hehehehe

3. Have baby –> We always want baby… I looooove babies… and always want to be a young Mom. But I also want to be a responsible parent. Who is able to fulfill all her (HER!!!..pokoknya cewe!) needs. Having kid is a lifetime commitment and a life changing experience. My life, my body (hiks) will never be the same… So, I will leave it to God, .. when God thinks I’m ready based on my standard, I will have HER!!! (hahaha tetep!)

4. Travel to Australia –> Ok, I dont really like travelling. I can’t stand a long flight. So I hope going to Australia could be a good start. And my brothers-in-law -to-be are all there. So who knows we can organize a family Holiday!!! Exciting!!! (nabuuuuuung……!)

5. Buy a car: Hm.. this is not important for me, but probably for Dudul.. :)… So let him make this plan.. Next!

6. get out of Singapore!! –> Yups… I dont think I will stay here forever, though I once thought about being a citizen just to get free Visa everywhere and for the sake of my family later… but again.. I dont like travelling… and it will be difficult for me to come back to Indo … sooooo yeah.. this I need to look at both of our careers.

Ok… My eyes are no longer focus…. I need to go home…. Immediate plan now is to go to my bed!!!

PS: I miss you so much baby… Tangan aku ga bisa gerak tadi pagi, cuma dibawa ngetik berjuta2 emails akhirnya ga kerasa lagi.. huhuhu. paling besok kumat lagi… Kamu baik2 ya disana, jgn lupa pake jacket kalo dingin. Jgn sampe sakit. makan yang bener dan jgn lupa Sholat!!! Love you! Muach!!!!